Al-Haramlik Palace

Which combines different artistic models

King Ahmed Fouad, who in 1925 ordered his Italian chief engineer Ferrucci and engineer Hassan Pasha Al-Adawi to create this palace in the gardens of the park, which was the royal residence of the royal family to spend the summer. This palace is characterized by the combination of different artistic styles, most notably the Byzantine style in addition to the Gothic and classical styles as well as the Islamic style. As for the name, the word “harem” was originally a Turkish word, a term in Islamic architecture and means the place of the harem, as the Islamic religion forbids men to meet women together (mixing), so part of the house was allocated to the gathering of the harem (women) in order to preserve their sanctity and Privacy.

The palace contains many artifacts and pieces of Art French style and is characterized by its decoration made in the style of Baroque and Rococo, which consists of geometric and plant motifs intertwined and this style is Aruban style.

It consists of three floors: the ground floor and contains several rooms and halls, the most important of which is the King’s office, dining room and billiard room.

The middle floor is where the Abigail and shamshal Chambers, a layer serving the princesses and the King.

Finally, the upper floor, which houses the king and queen suites, is connected by a wide balcony. There are also some princess rooms. This palace also features a room known as the Crown Prince’s room whose floor is made of pressed Cork to prevent the sounds of the feet inside to not disturb the sleeping child. During the reign of King Farouk, the palace was renovated and a crypt was dug between the palace and the sea to be used in case of any siege or attack . The revolution took place on 23 July 1952 before the excavation of this crypt was completed.

So when King Farouk learned of the revolt against him, he took his family and his entourage to Ras Al-tin Palace, and before he went there, he burned some of his royal documents and documents in the palace bath, and it is said that there are traces of this burning in parts of the bath.

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